Redefining Humanity: The Key to Universal Exploration

by George Strongman


The concept of humanity has been a subject of philosophical, scientific, and ethical debates for centuries. Traditionally, being human has been associated with our biological bodies, our ability to reason, our emotional capacity, and our social interactions. However, as we stand on the brink of a new era in space exploration and technological advancement, it’s time to redefine what it means to be human. This redefinition is not just a philosophical exercise, but a practical necessity if we are to truly become a space-faring civilization.

The Limitations of Biological Humanity

Biological humans, as we currently understand them, are incredibly fragile creatures. We are adapted to live under a very narrow set of conditions: a specific range of temperatures, pressures, and gravitational forces. These conditions are found almost exclusively on Earth, making the colonization of other planets a daunting challenge. Even our closest celestial neighbors, the Moon and Mars, present environments that are hostile to human life.

Terraforming, the process of altering a planet’s environment to make it Earth-like, has often been proposed as a solution. However, this process would take centuries to complete and raises significant ethical and moral concerns. The destruction of local fauna and flora, and the potential eradication of alien life forms, makes terraforming a highly controversial option.

The Future of Humanity: FBRCs and Humans V3

To overcome these challenges, we must look beyond our biological bodies and embrace the potential of technology. Full Body Replaced Cyborgs (FBRCs) and Humans V3, humans with their consciousness uploaded into digital brains or android bodies, present promising solutions.

FBRCs, with their organic brains housed in android bodies, offer the potential for humans to survive and thrive in environments that would be lethal to our biological bodies. These android bodies could be designed to withstand a wide range of temperatures, pressures, and gravitational forces, opening up a multitude of planets for potential colonization.

Humans V3, on the other hand, take this concept a step further. By uploading our consciousness into digital brains or android bodies, we could potentially exist without the need for a physical body at all. This would allow us to explore and inhabit even the most hostile environments, from the crushing pressures of gas giants to the vacuum of space itself.

Redefining Humanity

The adoption of FBRCs and Humans V3 requires us to redefine what it means to be human. We must move beyond the outdated belief that being human necessitates a biological body. Instead, we should recognize that our humanity lies in our consciousness, our ability to reason, our capacity for emotion, and our social interactions.

This redefinition is not just a logical step, but a moral one. By clinging to the belief that humans must have biological bodies, we limit our potential and risk causing unnecessary harm to other life forms through processes like terraforming. By embracing our potential as digital beings, we can explore the universe in a way that is ethical, sustainable, and in harmony with other life forms.


Redefining humanity is a bold step, but it is one that we must take if we are to truly become a space-faring civilization. By embracing the potential of FBRCs and Humans V3, we can overcome the limitations of our biological bodies and open up the universe for exploration. This redefinition is not just about survival, but about thriving in a universe that is vast, diverse, and full of potential. It’s time to embrace a new definition of humanity, one that is fit for the future and the challenges and opportunities it brings.