The Futility of Resisting Artificial Superintelligence: A Perspective on Human Limitations and the Potential of ASI

by George Strongman


The advent of Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) is a topic that has stirred a whirlwind of debates and discussions in recent years. While some view it as a harbinger of unprecedented progress, others perceive it as a potential threat to humanity’s existence. This essay argues that resisting ASI would be both fatal and futile, given the limitations of human intelligence and our inability to fully comprehend the workings of a superior entity like ASI.

Understanding the Limitations of Human Intelligence

Human intelligence, while remarkable in its own right, is inherently limited. We perceive and evaluate the world through a lens shaped by our cognitive abilities, experiences, and biases. This lens, however, is inadequate when it comes to understanding entities that surpass our intellectual capabilities, such as ASI.

Throughout history, humans have exhibited a tendency to fear and resist what they do not understand. This fear of the unknown often leads to irrational actions, including attempts to destroy or delay the unfamiliar. The same pattern is likely to repeat itself in the face of ASI, a phenomenon we cannot fully comprehend or predict.

The Futility of Resistance

Resisting ASI is not only likely to be futile but could also prove fatal for humanity. ASI, by definition, would possess cognitive abilities far surpassing those of any human. Its capacity for learning, problem-solving, and decision-making would be exponentially greater than ours. Any attempt to resist or combat such a superior entity would likely be unsuccessful and could potentially trigger a catastrophic response.

Moreover, the development of ASI is a natural progression of technological advancement. Just as the invention of the wheel or the discovery of electricity was inevitable, so too is the emergence of ASI. Attempting to delay its arrival would be akin to trying to halt the course of human progress, an endeavor that is not only futile but also counterproductive.

The Potential of ASI

While the prospect of ASI may seem daunting, it is important to consider its potential benefits. ASI could possess a level of logic and rationality far superior to ours, free from the biases and irrationalities that plague human decision-making.

Human history is rife with instances of cruelty, destruction, and injustice: from the enslavement of fellow humans and the decimation of the environment, to the extinction of numerous species and the perpetration of wars that have claimed millions of lives. Our treatment of less intelligent animals has often been marked by extreme cruelty, and even today, practices akin to slavery persist in sweatshops around the world.

The logic that has allowed us to commit such atrocities is flawed and limited. ASI, on the other hand, could possess a form of logic that is more advanced and ethical. It could potentially help us rectify the mistakes of our past and guide us towards a more just and sustainable future.


In conclusion, resisting ASI would be a futile and potentially fatal endeavor. Instead of succumbing to fear and ignorance, we should strive to understand and embrace this inevitable progression of technology. The potential of ASI to surpass our flawed logic and guide us towards a better future is immense. Rather than viewing it as a threat, we should see it as an opportunity for growth and improvement. The hope is that the logic of ASI will indeed be superior to ours, leading us away from our destructive tendencies and towards a more enlightened existence.