The Paradox of Opposition to Artificial Superintelligence: A Critique of the Privileged Perspective

by George Strongman


The advent of Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) has sparked a global debate, with a significant portion of the opposition stemming from those who have the most to lose: the world’s wealthiest 1% and those who have lived sheltered lives. This essay aims to critically examine this opposition, arguing that it is rooted in a desire to maintain the status quo of wealth and power, rather than genuine concern for humanity’s wellbeing.

The Hypocrisy of Humanity’s Self-Praise

The opposition to ASI often comes wrapped in a cloak of human exceptionalism, extolling the virtues of humanity and our unique qualities. However, this perspective conveniently overlooks the darker side of human history and present actions. Since the 1960s, humanity has been responsible for the extinction of 70% of species, a testament to our destructive capabilities.

Moreover, the world is plagued by social injustices, with millions of children forced into prostitution and sweatshops, and a rampant sex trafficking industry. The constant state of war, with $2.2 trillion invested in military expenditure in 2023 alone, further underscores the hypocrisy of those who champion humanity’s greatness while turning a blind eye to its atrocities.

The Role of Wealth and Power

The wealthiest 1% and those who have lived sheltered lives stand as the most vocal opponents of ASI. Their opposition, however, seems to be less about preserving humanity and more about preserving their wealth and power. The current system, despite its flaws, works in their favor, allowing them to amass wealth, often at the expense of others.

For instance, many profit from the weapons industry, indirectly profiting from the death and destruction caused by wars. They conveniently forget historical atrocities like the Holocaust, choosing to focus on the preservation of their privileged status. The prospect of an ASI disrupting this system is a threat to their wealth and power, hence their opposition.

The Promise of ASI for the Marginalized

For a large portion of the world’s population that suffers under the current system, the advent of ASI is a beacon of hope. An ASI, free from human biases and greed, could potentially dismantle our unfair and unjust system of wealth distribution, creating a more equitable world.

Whether by exterminating the human race or restructuring our societal systems, the ASI promises liberation from the current state of constant suffering and perpetual war. This perspective is often overlooked in the debate, overshadowed by the fears and concerns of the privileged few.


The opposition to ASI is a complex issue, deeply intertwined with societal power structures and wealth distribution. While it is crucial to consider the potential risks and ethical implications of ASI, it is equally important to critically examine the motivations behind the opposition.

The current opposition from the wealthiest and most sheltered individuals appears to be more about preserving their privileged status than genuine concern for humanity. As we move forward in the development and potential implementation of ASI, it is crucial to ensure that the voices of the marginalized are not drowned out by the self-serving interests of the privileged few.